Monday, April 26, 2010

Lessons of Love

Each person who enters our life has a unique lesson to teach us. And it is only through these lessons that we learn about life, people, relationships and God.

When someone lies to you, it teaches you that things are not always as they seem. The truth is often far beneath the surface. Look beyond the masks people wear if you want to know their heart. And remove your own masks to let people know yours.

When someone steals from you, it teaches you that nothing is forever. Always appreciate what you have, for you never know when you might lose it. Never ever take your friends and family for granted, because they are the only people who have your best interest at heart. You can trust them most of all.

When someone inflicts an injury upon you, it teaches you that the human state is a fragile one. Protect and take care of your body as best you can; it's the only thing you are sure to have forever.

When someone mocks you, it teaches you that no two people are alike. When you encounter people who are different from you, don't judge them by how they look or act; instead base your opinion on the contents of their heart.

When someone breaks your heart, it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean that person will love you back. But don't turn your back on love because when you find the right person, the joy that one person brings will make up for all the past hurts put together -- times ten!!!
Spend life with who makes you happy not who you have to impress.

When someone holds a grudge against you, it teaches you that everyone makes mistakes. When you are wronged, the most virtuous thing you can do is forgive the offender without pretense. Forgiving those who have hurt us is the most difficult and courageous thing anyone can do.

When a loved one is unfaithful to you, it teaches you that resisting temptation is man's greatest challenge. Be vigilant in your resistance against all temptation. By doing so, you will be rewarded with an enduring sense of satisfaction far greater than the temporary pleasure by which you were tempted.

When someone cheats on you, it teaches you that greed is the root of all evil. Aspire to make your dreams come true, no matter how lofty they may be. Do not feel guilty about your success, but never let an obsession with achieving your goals lead you to engage in malevolent activities.

When someone ridicules you, it teaches you that nobody is perfect. "
If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself; if it be a lie, laugh at it". Accept people for their merits and be tolerant of their flaws. Do not ever reject someone for imperfections over which they have no control.

When someone hurts you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you. But later, you will be shiny and polished while they end up useless.

What about lessons to be learned from Man's good deeds?

When someone loves us, it teaches us that love, kindness, charity, honesty, humility, forgiveness and acceptance can counteract all the evil in the world. For every good deed, there is one less evil deed. Man alone has the power to control the balance between good and evil, but because the lessons of love are not taught often enough, the power is too often abused.

When you enter someone's life, whether by plan, chance or coincidence, consider what your lesson will be. Will you teach love or a harsh lesson of reality? When you die, will your life have resulted in more loving or hurting? More comfort or pain? More joy or sadness?

Each one of us has power over the balance of love in the world. Use it wisely. Don't miss an opportunity to nudge the world's scale in the right direction.

"To fall in love is easy, even to remain it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes the person one desires to be"- Anna Louise Strong.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

What a gorgeous day to celebrate Mother Earth! I got a taste of the sunshine, the cool breeze, the rain, and the snow all in one day.The mix of weather left our mountains glistening, the blue sky scattered with white and grey fluffy clouds, and the grass and trees fresh green. Take time to appreciate the planet we live on and all of its simple beauties. If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. Nature is the art of God. It's His way of expressing His love toward his children. Acknowledge His presence in the world around you. I love astronomy, and this is one of my favorite videos to watch right before I go to sleep at night. I lay in my bed, turn off all the lights, and switch the settings to full screen. Cheesy? Maybe, but it leaves the impression of peace and gratitude in my mind before I drift off. Enjoy:)

Recipe: A Blissful Reminder
Sometimes we become so consumed by our busy lives that we forget how to appreciate and be grateful for everything we do have. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves why we are so lucky and that life is not that bad after all.
  • Retreat to your journal or diary
  • Think of happiness and what it means to you
  • Think of everything you've ever wanted
  • Find the good in everything you had or have had happen to you
  • Now write out a list of everything you have in your life to be grateful for: Memories, people, experiences, opportunities, objects, even life itself
  • Refer back to this list after an exceptionally awful day
And there you have your blissful reminder.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Here and Now

My thoughts determine my perspective.
My vision determines my future.
My beliefs determine my direction.
My hope determines my persistence.
My goals determine my destiny.
My values determine my priorities.
My energy determines my capacity.
My focus determines my attention.
My strategies determine my effectiveness.
My actions determine my progress.
My commitment determines my endurance.

We all have to decide whether we will become "Doers" or "Doubters" in life. We cannot ignore the past, but we cannot live in it. We cannot change the past but only learn from it. There is little we can do about some of the mistakes we have made. We, therefore, should not dwell too much on the past. And the future, whatever it holds, is yet ahead. However, we cannot dwell there either. Yet some people live so much for the future that they fail to live at the moment, the present. Adopt this motto:

I will learn from the past.
I will live in the present.
I will look forward to the future.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Love You Better

Things I Love About Myself:
  • I love my laugh and how I take every opportunity to let people hear it.
  • I love my freckles.
  • I love that I play stupid very well, but I'm secretly a genius.
  • Contrary to popular belief, I love my red hair.
  • I love my testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • I love my chubby cheeks when I smile.
  • I love my ability to make friends with the least expected people.
  • I love my flat chest.
  • I love how I can never correctly word common sayings.
  • I love my long toes and sausage fingers.
  • I love how petrified I am of insects and flying creatures.
  • I love my straight teeth thanks to braces.
  • I love my random sense of humor.
  • I love that most of the time I am preggers with a food baby.
  • I love that I forgive others too easily.
  • I love that no matter how hard I try, I will always have pale skin.
  • I love how I act tough and always say, "I'm gonna punch your lights out!", but I'd never dare to actually hit someone. I'm all talk.
  • I love how I look like a twelve year old little girl.
  • I love that I am optimistic and look for the good in every situation.
  • I love that my fingernails are always painted.
  • I love that I would rather listen to others than talk about myself.
  • I love that I am not comfortable with the way I move, but I dance anyways.
  • I love how I can tell the most hilarious jokes, but I can also have serious conversations about life.
  • I love my eyes and how one day they're frosty blue, and the next they're olive green.
  • I love how easy it is for me to cry whether I am happy or in pain.
  • I love how my eyebrows do a jig when I talk. They catch everyone's attention.
  • I love how much I've learned to love myself. I am who I've always wanted to be.
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections. Make a list of what you love about yourself. Accept who you are and learn to love even your flaws. Be proud of the progress you are making in this life. Always act like you're wearing an invisible crown. After all, the way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. You are a creation of God; God doesn't create idiots.

Today you are you.
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
Who is youer than you.
--Dr. Seuss

You're fine exactly as you are.
Your curves, words, flaws, strengths, thoughts.
You don't need to change.
You aren't ugly, fat, stupid, or worthless.
You are you.

Be the best version of you!

1. Go to

2. Type in "Who's the cutest?"

3. Click I'm feeling lucky.

It's true!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh What a Night

Reunited at last! The other night Karli texted me wondering if I had any plans for the following day. As usual, my schedule was wide open, and I was curious to know why she asked. Her friend from school had free tickets to a concert in Salt Lake and told her to invite some friends. I immediately got excited! I couldn't have cared less about the concert; all I wanted to do was get the chance to see my long lost friend! She gave me the details and we planned to meet in Salt Lake. I learned later that the bands that were playing were Bear Hands, Mayer Hawthorne, and Passion Pit... who? I'd never heard of any of these guys. Regardless, I was ready to let loose and have a good time. I forgot how much fun Karli and I used to have together, but all those wild jokes and crazy attitudes flooded back into my mind the moment we were in the same room. The night was filled with dancing, laughing, and slapping stranger's butts! There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good. This spontaneous night gave me the chance to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. I need more of this in my life!

Friday, April 2, 2010

One Year Older and Wiser Too!

You know the age old question, "So how does it feel to be one year older?" Seems like every birthday that question is asked. Well this year is the only time when I've actually felt a difference. No longer a teen... uh weird! What's my excuse now for getting into trouble or acting immature? Also it got me thinking only one year left until I get to go on a mission. I've come to the part in my life where major events are starting to happen. So many choices that need to be made. Now is not the time to be indecisive. One step in the wrong direction and it could have a major effect on my whole life's outcome. No pressure right?

Something I've been working on lately is being more open minded. I used to let fear rule my actions. Until recently, I didn't mind. I never wanted to step out of my comfort zone. But I've learned that outside of the comfort zone lies the miracle zone. I would much rather be miraculous than comfortable. Talk about boring! So the morning of my birthday, I decided to take a chance. My friend, Areli, invited me to a zumba class. I immediately thought, "Heck no! I can't dance to save my life". Against my prior judgments, I decided to go. And guess what! It was a blast. I totally surprised myself. I now look forward to making zumba a part of my weekly schedule. Afterwards, my friends took me to lunch. We went to a "mexican dive". That's what Areli called it. I ordered two tacos... yummy! Later, I went to Red Robin with my family. I'm a burger and fries kinda girl:) Don't forget the chocolate milkshake.

The point I want to make is be spontaneous! You never know what you could be missing out on. Feel the fear, and do it anyways. That's my goal for this year. I want my 20 year old self to live life to the fullest, and not be afraid to try new things or meet new people. I realized that I have a lot more friends than I thought. I've surrounded myself with the best of the best. I know that I am much loved! Everything I could ever want is at the tips of my fingers. It's now up to me to reach out and grab it.