I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to enter into the Lord's temple and witness my niece/sister be sealed to my loving parents for time and all eternity. When I found out that I could actually be present during the sealing I was so excited! Then my nerves hit. I'd never been in the temple besides to do baptisms. My main fear was that I would get separated from my mom and have no clue where I was or what I was doing. I was so worried that I'd be on my own, lost, and wandering the halls. I didn't know what to expect. Of course I knew that I was being irrational and thinking of the worst possible case scenario.
As soon as we entered through the front doors, all my fears were washed away. We were greeted by the helpful temple workers with big smiles on their faces! I realized then that this was the house of the Lord. I was safer there than I would be anywhere else on the face of the earth. So why was I so afraid? I laughed at myself for being so caught up in my own selfish emotions. The sisters who stayed with Kennadee and me gave us Gold Fish and cookies for crying out loud! If I would have known that I was going to get a little snack out of the deal, I would have never been scared in the first place:)
I gained a huge testimony that day of the purpose of temples and how my Heavenly Father watches over his children and comforts them in their times of need. I'm so fortunate to live only a few miles away from one of His houses and that I can take advantage of them whenever possible. I'm so grateful for the atonement and that through it I can be worthy to receive all of the miracles and blessings this gospel has to offer. The next time I will be able to enter into the sealing room, I will be getting married to my eternal companion.
If there were "like" buttons on blogspot I would click on it for this one! :)